City of Hillsboro

phone: 425.806.9200  |  fax: 425.806.7455

Our Projects

City of Hillsboro

TIMELINE: January 2016 - Present

Northwest Edison conducted a detailed GIS audit for the city of Hillsboro, Oregon. We collected inforamtion on pole location, contition and existing pole features. After the audit was complete, phase one of LED street lighting and controls were installed by Northwest Edison quickly thoughtout the city. 

Now that the project is complete, the City of Hillsboro is estimated to save more than 1,000,000 kwh annually just from the lighting upgrade! 


Services Utilized

GIS Mapping IconGIS Auditing and Mapping

Northwest Edison uses geographic information systems (GIS) for making precision auditing and mapping decisions. We rely on GIS technology to provide an efficient, integrated platform for planning and analysis, workforce automation and situational awareness. 

Street and Area Lighting IconStreet and Area Lighting

Northwest Edison provides street and area lighting services from the West's most skilled and knowledgeable lighting professionals in the industry.